Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint placeat libero possimus asperiores ratione quidem explicabo ea itaque, reiciendis eaque consequatur officiis qui, vitae error ipsa, totam repudiandae deserunt.Aut enim consequatur veniam, earum dolorum sint ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetura itaque, reiciendis eaque consequatur officiis qui, vitae error ipsa, totam repudiandae deserunt.Aut enim consequatur veniam, earum dolorum sint ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint placeat libero possimus asperiores ratione quidem explicabo ea itaque, reiciendis eaque consequatur officiis qui, ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint placeat libero possimus asperiores ratione quidem explicabo ea itaque, reiciendis eaque consequatur officiis qui, ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente sint placeat libero possimus asperiores ratione quidem explicabo ea itaque, reiciendis eaque consequatur officiis qui, ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
ex accusamus officia quia voluptatibus cupiditate expedita illo architecto illum tempora quo. Unde rerum sint vitae aut fugiat obcaecati quisquam ad voluptas maxime?
Enable typographer option to see result.
(c) (C) (r) (R) (tm) (TM) (p) (P) +-
test.. test… test….. test?….. test!….
!!!!!! ???? ,, – —
“Smartypants, double quotes” and ‘single quotes’
This is bold text
This is bold text
This is italic text
This is italic text
Blockquotes can also be nested…
Blockquotes can also be nested…
…by using additional greater-than signs right next to each other…
…or with spaces between arrows.
, -
, or *
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipiscing elit
Integer molestie lorem at massa
You can use sequential numbers…
…or keep all the numbers as 1.
startcopy numbering with offset:
Inline code
Indented code
// Some comments
line 1 of code
line 2 of code
line 3 of code
Block code “fences”
Sample text here...
Syntax highlighting
Option | Description |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Right aligned columns
Option | Description |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Autoconverted link https://github.com/nodeca/pica (enable linkify to see)
Like links, Images also have a footnote style syntax
With a reference later in the document defining the URL location:
The killer feature of markdown-it
is very effective support of
syntax plugins.
Classic markup: :wink: :crush: :cry: :tear: :laughing: :yum:
Shortcuts (emoticons): :-) :-( 8-) ;)
see how to change output with twemoji.
++Inserted text++
==Marked text==
Footnote 1 link1.
Footnote 2 link2.
Inline footnote^[Text of inline footnote] definition.
Duplicated footnote reference2.
Definition 1 with lazy continuation.
Definition 2
{ some code, part of Definition 2 }
Third paragraph of definition 2.
Compact style:
Term 1 ~ Definition 1
Term 2 ~ Definition 2a ~ Definition 2b
This is HTML abbreviation example.
It converts “HTML”, but keep intact partial entries like “xxxHTMLyyy” and so on.
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
::: warning here be dragons :::